Real Estate Law

What Are the 3 Main Categories of Construction Defects?

Construction professionals have demanding jobs. They have to meet both their client’s aesthetic and building code legal requirements. Most of the time, licensed construction professionals do their best to comply with the law and client expectations. 

Unfortunately, sometimes construction projects give way to a dangerous or aesthetically displeasing building. Clients may be able to bring a construction defect claim against the professionals who did the work if the issue falls into one of the three categories below.

Design Defects

There should be an entire team of professionals at construction companies who go over blueprints for safety and code reasons. The final building may not be adequate or even legal to occupy if they overlook some crucial element in the design stage.

Material Defects

Construction companies should use stable, trustworthy materials when they erect or add to a building. Sometimes, however, they may swap out reliable, brand-name products for cheaper alternatives. They might even replace drywall with paper board. Instances in which contractors use defective materials or ones that deviate from what the client paid for could lead to a lawsuit.

Workmanship Defects

Labor could be another area where construction companies might prioritize lower costs over ideal results. They might hire unskilled laborers or those who have lost their jobs because of poor performance elsewhere to save a little money. Unfortunately, workers with less training and lower wages may turn out mediocre work compared to their better trained and compensated industry counterparts. 

If you have identified an issue with your property that falls into one of these three categories that is a clear violation of your contract, then this may warrant you filing a construction defect claim.